Get Report Information

GET /report/:reportID

Enables the retrieval of a report metadata for the given report ID. The results include data about the report (creation date, constants year), URLs for the PDF and report model, and the current status of the report (error, generating, available).

Dates will be provided in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2012-02-13T01:34:52Z will be used instead of February 2, 2012 1:34:52a UTC. This can be parsed in Java using the SimpleDateFormat and this pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z".
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z").format(new Date());

Resource URL


Example: /v1/report/1234
Used to select which report data to retrieve.


The response to this will be an HTTP 200 status along with a JSON body. If a report cannot be found with the given report_id an HTTP 404 (Not Found) will be returned. The JSON body is a single report meta-data object that includes status information as well as URLs for the PDF and model.

Response Parameters (JSON Body)

Example: "id": 123
A unique identifier for a report in the IDEA system.
Example: "status": "available"
The status of the report generation. It will be one of the following values: [available, error, not ready].
Example: "status_message": "The report has not been generated. Please try again later."
A brief description of the status. When the status is error or not ready this will be very useful for users.
Example: "available_after": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z"
A suggested time to try again. This is only relevant when the status is not ready. Otherwise, this can be ignored.
Example: "pdf_url": ""
The (absolute) URL to the PDF that makes up this report.
Example: "model_url": ""
The (absolute) URL to the report model that makes up this report.
Example: "type": "Diagnostic"
The type of report this is. It will be one of the following: [Admin, Chair, Comment, Extra Likert, Diagnostic, Short, Teaching Essentials, Advisor, Advising Staff, Advising Student].
Example: "survey_id": 1234
The ID of the survey this report is associated with.
Example: "survey_group_id": 2345
The ID of the survey group this report is associated with.
Example: "creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z"
The date/time that this report was created.


This request will get the report data for a report with ID 456.


GET /v1/report/456

Response (as JSON)

HTTP 200
"id": 456,
"status": "available",
"status_message": "",
"available_after": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"model_url": "",
"type": "Diagnostic",
"survey_id": 123,
"survey_group_id": 1234,
"creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z"