Enables the retrieval of report metadata based upon the query parameters given.
Each element in the data array is a report object which means that data.id
is the report ID (not the survey ID).
Dates will be provided in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2012-02-13T01:34:52Z will be
used instead of February 2, 2012 1:34:52a UTC. This can be parsed in Java using the SimpleDateFormat and this pattern
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z").format(new Date());
The response to this will be an HTTP 200 status along with a JSON body. If an error occurs with the parameters, an HTTP 400 error will be returned along with an error message. The JSON body is a collection of report meta-data objects along with parameters to support paging (max, page, total_results).
"max": 50
"page": 1
"total_results": 143
"data": { ... }
"id": 123
"status": "available"
"status_message": "The report has not been generated. Please try again later."
is error or not ready this will be very useful for users.
"available_after": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z"
is not ready.
Otherwise, this can be ignored.
"pdf_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/456/pdf"
"model_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/456/model"
"type": "Diagnostic"
"survey_id": 1234
"surveyGroupId": 2345
"creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z"
This request will get all reports that are associated with a survey group that has an ID of 1234.
GET /v1/reports?survey_group_ID=1234
HTTP 200 { "max": 100, "page": 0, "total_results": 3, "data": [ { "id": 456, "status": "available", "status_message": "", "available_after": "", "pdf_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/456/pdf", "model_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/456/model", "type": "Admin", "survey_id": 123, "survey_group_id": 1234, "creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z" }, { "id": 457, "status": "error", "status_message": "An error occurred while generating the report; the IDEA Server was unreachable.", "available_after": "", "pdf_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/457/pdf", "model_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/457/model", "type": "Comment", "survey_id": 123, "survey_group_id": 1234, "creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z" }, { "id": 458, "status": "not ready", "status_message": "The report has not been generated, please try again later.", "available_after": "2012-04-06T05:00:00Z", "pdf_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/458/pdf", "model_url": "https://api.ideasystem.org/v1/report/458/model", "type": "Extra Likert", "survey_id": 123, "survey_group_id": 1234, "creation_date": "2012-04-05T05:00:00Z" }] }