Get Survey Information

GET /survey/:surveyID

Enables the retrieval of survey information for a given survey. This is survey definition data and NOT survey response data; to get survey response data you must use the Report end-points.

Dates will be provided in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2012-02-13T01:34:52Z will be used instead of February 2, 2012 1:34:52a UTC. This can be parsed in Java using the SimpleDateFormat and this pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z".
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z").format(new Date());

Resource URL


Example: /v1/survey/1234
A unique survey identifier in the IDEA system.


The response will be an HTTP 200 along with a JSON body that contains the surveys that match the given query parameters. If an error occurs with the parameters that are passed in, an HTTP 400 will be returned along with an error message in a JSON body. All other errors will return an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error).

Response Parameters (JSON Body)

Example: "id": 1
A unique survey identifier in the IDEA system.
Example: "group_id": 1
A unique survey group identifier in the IDEA system.
Example: "src_name": "IOL3"
The source name this survey is associated with, i.e., where it came from.
Example: "src_id": "1"
This is the survey ID provided when this survey first entered the IDEA system. It is expected to be a unique survey identifier in the system where this survey originated. If this survey is ever re-transferred into the IDEA system, it should use the same ID.
Example: "src_group_id": "1"
This is the survey group ID provided when this survey first entered the IDEA system. It is expected to be a unique group identifier in the system where this survey originated. If this survey is ever re-transferred into the IDEA system, it should use the same ID.
Example: "institution_id": 1
A unique institution identifier in the IDEA system. This matches up with the IDs that can be retrieved from the /institutions end-point. It allows the user of this data to look-up the meta-data about the institution this survey is associated with (name, FICE, etc.).
Example: "institution_name": "IDEA Center"
Institution name in the IDEA system This matches up with the names that can be retrieved from the /institutions end-point.
Example: "year": 2012
Year this survey was administered.
Example: "term": "Fall"
Term in which this survey was administered. For example, it might be Spring, January, or Q1.
Example: "includes_gap_analysis": true
True if this survey includes gap analysis and false otherwise.
Example: "demographic_group_ids": []
An array of demographic group IDs that were selected for use in this survey. The details on the demographic group can be retrieved using the /demographic_groups end-point. Optional.
Example: "end_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z"
The latest of the information and rater form end dates.
Example: "start_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z"
The earliest of the information and rater form start dates.
Example: "creation_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z"
The date this survey was created.

Example: "course": { ... }
Defines the course information. This will include details like the time and days that the class meets, the course name and number, and a local code used for grouping in reports.
Example: "title": "Intro to Biology"
Defines the course title.
Example: "number": "101"
Defines the course number.
Example: "local_code": "01 02 345
The local code provides a way to group related surveys. This will be useful in grouping data later in group summary reports. This is free-form so any type of text can be used.
Example: "days": "MWF"
Defines the days that the course meets. This is free-form so any type of days can be used. For example, it might meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and specified as "MWF" or "Mon, Wed, Fri".
Example: "time": "14:30"
Defines the time that the course meets. This is free-form so any type of time can be used.
Example: "src_id": "01-23-456-789"
Provides a mapping from to the source system's course. This is optional.
Example: "subject": "BIO"
The course's subject. For example, BIO in BIO 101. This is optional.
Example: "type": "undergraduate"
The type of course. This is optional but if provided will be one of the following: Undergraduate (Undergrad, U), Graduate (Grad, G), Professional (Prof, P), Developmental (Dev, D), Undergraduate Transferable (Undergraduate-Transferable, UT), or Undergraduate Non Transferable (Undergraduate-Non-Transferable, UNT).
Example: "delivery_mode": "online"
The delivery mode of the course. This is optional but if provided will be one of the following: Online (OL, on line, on_line, on-line), Face to Face (face-to-face, facetoface, F2F), or Hybrid.
Example: "term_type": "semester"
The term type this course is part of. This is optional but if provided will be one of the following: Semester, Trimester, Quarter, Intersession, Module, or Annual.
Example: "start_date": "2016-01-01"
The date the course starts on in the form of yyyy-MM-dd where yyyy is the 4 digit year (e.g., 2017), MM is the 2 digit month (e.g, 01), and dd is the 2 digit day of month (e.g., 24).
Example: "end_date": "2017-01-01"
The date the course ends on in the form of yyyy-MM-dd where yyyy is the 4 digit year (e.g., 2017), MM is the 2 digit month (e.g, 05), and dd is the 2 digit day of month (e.g., 10).
Example: "section": { ... }
When a survey is associated with only 1 section of a course, this portion might be populated to provide details on that course section.
Example: "title": "Intro to Biology"
Defines the course section title.
Example: "number": "101"
Defines the course section number.
Example: "src_id": "01-23-456-789"
Provides a mapping from to the source system's course section. This is optional.
Example: "subject": "BIO"
The course section's subject. For example, BIO in BIO 101. This is optional.
Example: "start_date": "2016-01-01"
The date the course section starts on in the form of yyyy-MM-dd where yyyy is the 4 digit year (e.g., 2017), MM is the 2 digit month (e.g, 01), and dd is the 2 digit day of month (e.g., 24).
Example: "end_date": "2017-01-01"
The date the course section ends on in the form of yyyy-MM-dd where yyyy is the 4 digit year (e.g., 2017), MM is the 2 digit month (e.g, 05), and dd is the 2 digit day of month (e.g., 10).
Example: "delivery_mode": "online"
The delivery mode of the course section. This is optional but if provided will be one of the following: Online (OL, on line, on_line, on-line), Face to Face (face-to-face, facetoface, F2F), or Hybrid.
Example: "days": "MWF"
Defines the days that the course section meets. This is free-form so any type of days can be used. For example, it might meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and specified as "MWF" or "Mon, Wed, Fri".
Example: "time": "14:30"
Defines the time that the course section meets. This is free-form so any type of time can be used.
Example: "local_code": "01 02 345
The local code provides a way to group related surveys. This will be useful in grouping data later in group summary reports. This is free-form so any type of text can be used.

Example: "info_form": { ... }
Contains details about the survey form the survey subject fills out. For the Administrator and Chair system, this will include any gap analysis questions. For the Student Ratings system, this will include objectives and other information about the course.
Example: "id": 123
A unique survey form identifier in the IDEA system. This matches up with the IDs that can be retrieved from the /forms end-point. It allows the user of this data to look-up the meta-data about the form including the questions.
Example: "startDate": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z"
The date this survey first becomes available to respondents.
Example: "endDate": "2012-09-06T23:59:59Z"
The date this survey becomes unavailable to respondents.
Example: "discipline_code": 1611
The discipline code for the information form. This value is optional.
Example: "respondents": [ ... ]
An array of survey subject information. More than likely, this will be a single survey subject.
Example: "first_name": "Bob"
The first name of info form respondent; this is the survey subject (e.g., faculty member, administrator, chair).
Example: "middle_name": "Lee"
The middle name of info form respondent; this is the survey subject (e.g., faculty member, administrator, chair).
Example: "last_name": "Smith"
The last name of info form respondent; this is the survey subject (e.g., faculty member, administrator, chair).
Example: "title": "Dean of Medicine"
The title of info form respondent; this is the survey subect's title (e.g., Chair, Professor, Provost).
Example: "position_code": 1234
The position code of this survey subject. This is used in the Feedback System for Administrators to denote the type of Administrator this person is. For example, a Dean of Agriculture would select position code 1201 where 1201 is the ID of the position code.
Example: "src_id": "9876-5432-10"
The survey subject's source ID; this is optional but if provided gives a way to map the survey data to a 3rd party system.
Example: "email": ""
The email address for the survey subject; this is optional.
Example: "role": "Primary"
The survey subject's role in the class; this is optional but if provided will be Primary, Secondary, Lab, Teaching Assistant, or Preceptor.
Example: "sex": "Male"
The survey subject's sex; this is optional but if provided will be Male or Female.
Example: "employment_status": "Full-time"
The survey subject's employment status; this is optional but if provided will be Full-time or Part-time.
Example: "appointment": "Tenured"
The survey subject's appointment type; this is optional but if provided will be Adjunct, Tenured, or Tenure-track.
Example: "races": []
A list of the survey subject's races. This is optional but if provided is an unordered list of String values that are unique (aka, a Set).

Example: "rater_form": { ... }
The rater form contains details about the survey form those rating the survey subject will fill out.
Example: "id": 123
A unique survey form identifier in the IDEA system. This matches up with the IDs that can be retrieved from the /forms end-point. It allows the user of this data to look-up the meta-data about the form including the questions.
Example: "startDate": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z"
The date that this survey first becomes available to respondents.
Example: "endDate": "2012-09-06T23:59:59Z"
The date that this survey becomes unavailable to respondents.
Example: "custom_question_groups": [ ... ]
Defines the custom (or extra) questions that were added to this survey.
Example: "number": 1
custom question group number
Example: "type": "open"
custom question group type, one of: scaled (legacy), likert, open, semanticDifference, multipleChoice, fillInTheBlank, mixed
Example: "title": "Question Group 1"
custom question group title
Example: "message": "question group 1"
custom question group message
Example: "questions": [ ... ]
array of questions in this group
Example: "id": 1
unique question identifier in the IDEA system
Example: "number": 12
custom question number
Example: "text": "Likert question 8"
custom question text
Example: "type": "scaled"
One of: scaled (legacy), likert, open, semanticDifference, multipleChoiceSingleAnswer, multipleChoiceMultipleAnswer, fillInTheBlank
Example: "response_options": [ ... ]
array of valid response options for a scaled question
Example: "value": 1
response value
Example: "description": "Very Low"
response option description
Example: "abbreviation": "Very Low"
short response option name/description
Example: "is_excluded": false
true if this response option should be excluded from calculated values
Example: "response_options": [ ... ]
array of valid response options for a scaled question group. If each question has it's own response options, this should be omitted
Example: "value": 1
response value
Example: "description": "Very High"
response option description
Example: "abbreviation": "Very High"
short response option name/description
Example: "is_excluded": false
true if this response option should be excluded from calculated values


This request will retrieve the survey information for a survey with ID 123.


GET /v1/survey/123

Response (as JSON)

HTTP 200
    "id": 123,
    "group_id": 234,
    "src_name": "IOL3",
    "src_id": "4321",
    "src_group_id": "5432",
    "institution_id": 54209,
    "year": 2012,
    "term": "09/03/2012",
    "includes_gap_analysis": true, // true if this includes a self-rating and false otherwise
    "demographic_group_ids": [ 654, 657, 658, 662 ], //Optional item that defines what demographic groups were selected.
    "end_date": "2012-09-25T00:00:00Z",
    "start_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z",
    "creation_date": "2012-09-05T14:20:07Z",
    "course": {
        "title": "Introduction to REST APIs",
        "number": "101",
        "local_code": "012345", // Institution defined local code
        "days": "MWF",
        "time": "14:30",
        "src_id": "01-23456789-0011",
        "subject": "REST",
        "type": "undergraduate",
        "delivery_mode": "Face to Face",
        "term_type": "semester",
        "start_date": "2017-01-01",
        "end_date": "2017-05-01",
        "section": {
            "title": "RESTful APIs Lab",
            "number": "101a",
            "src_id": "01-23456789-0012",
            "subject": "REST",
            "start_date": "2017-01-01",
            "end_date": "2017-05-01",
            "delivery_mode": "hybrid",
            "days": "TU",
            "time": "08:30",
            "local_code": "54321" // Institution defined local code
        "id": 456,
        "start_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z",
        "end_date": "2012-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "discipline_code": 1600,
                "first_name": "Test",
                "middle_name": "My",
                "last_name": "Subject",
                "title": "Dean",
                "position_code": 12,
                "src_id": "0123-4567890",
                "email": "",
                "role": "primary",
                "sex": "female",
                "employment_status": "full-time",
                "appointment": "tenured",
                "races": [
                    "Pacific Islander"
        "id": 457,
        "start_date": "2012-09-06T00:00:00Z",
        "end_date": "2012-09-25T00:00:00Z",
                "number": 1,
                "type": "open",
                "title": "Open Question Group Title",
                "message": "This is an open question group message",
                        "id": 123,
                        "number": 1,
                        "text": "This is an open question 1",
                        "type": "open",
                        "response_options": []
                "number": 2,
                "type": "scaled",
                "title": "Scaled Question Group Title",
                "message": "This is a scaled question group message",
                        "id": 124,
                        "number": 1,
                        "text": "This is a scaled question 1",
                        "type": "scaled",
                                "value": 1,
                                "description": "This is option 1",
                                "abbreviation": "O1",
                                "is_excluded": false
                                "value": 2,
                                "description": "This is option 2",
                                "abbreviation": "O2",
                                "is_excluded": false
                                "value": 3,
                                "description": "This is option 3",
                                "abbreviation": "O3",
                                "is_excluded": false
                                "value": 4,
                                "description": "Cannot Judge",
                                "abbreviation": "CJ",
                                "is_excluded": true
                    }, ...